Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Tremendous Thank You

I have to say a huge thank you to my Dad. He has donated an additional $5/week for the next 20 weeks to be combined with my weekly donations to the Help Our Homeless Veterans and Citizens organization!!!!!

I actually received this money last week and because of the craziness of Christmas preparations, I just picked up these raviolis (.79 each at Kroger) to be combined with the cream of soups I took last Saturday. Our homeless friends were very happy to have a choice!  With my small budget I do the best I can to provide as much as possible, but some weeks it just seems impossible to get much of anything. I'm looking forward to making this extra money stretch! Thank you again Dad for the donation-it really will be the gift that keeps on giving!!!


  1. Hey Jenn. Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas. Love reading about your coupon adventure. Gets me motivated to find some good deals.

    See you Saturday!


  2. Thanks Beth, and I'm sorry I missed you Saturday!!! We had another Christmas celebration to attend, but I will see you the 4th! Happy New Year!!!
